1.A portion of the thickened biomass is usually recycled to the reactor to improve performance through higher cell concentrations.
2.If you were to improve performance here, you could cache the string instead of re-creating it for every item in the inventory.
3.Caching would be useless if it did not significantly improve performance.
4.Overall, this framework provides a practical and easy-to-use solution to improve performance in a distributed J2EE environment.
5.Techniques used to eliminate defective products or to improve performance standards and practices.
6.When trying to improve performance of a specific report, there is a simple method for determining which statistics are worth collecting.
7.Caching is often used to improve performance, and WebSphere Portal has a built-in caching feature.
8.I call it a "Zen run" because my goal is not to improve performance or burn a lot of calories, but to focus on being present as I run.
9.You can try to spread your application so that it uses different disks you might be able to improve performance.
10.If you look through the code that MFC uses, you may see that you can write something more specific to your scenario to improve performance.